Monday 6 May 2013

Batik Presentation!

Last Friday (3rd May), our batiks arrived from the workshop, all nicely dried and covered in plastics!

it's finally here and we are so excited!! 
basic layout before mounting onto wall 

We set up our batiks before presenting them to the class.

taping the 4 paintings together
all we had that was at disposal was masking tape!
bless masking tape 
we took a little corner of a window in the class for ourselves
The finished product of our suit batiks, in all its glory!
We were so proud of our batiks (and because we took such a long time to tape them up neatly on the window), we prolonged taking them down after the presentation. Silly picture taking ensued.
"let's just stare at it" "hmm yes good"
Zue and I being very enthusiastic about suits 
fixing the suits 8)

credits to Kush for the awesome photography and editing!

Ms Lisa also gave some sound advice after our presentations. Here's the gist of it:

And I think it did show, in this case. Ever since our theme was decided, until the end of our presentation, I was nothing but enthusiastic about doing the assignment. I didn't stress as much as I usually do for my other projects, because I was doing something that I liked. And because I was enjoying myself, I was able to do the best that I can, and be satisfied with it in the end. Sure, there's always room for improvement, but what's important is that I take pride of my work as a designer; and with each task I do, I improve a little bit more.


Sunday 5 May 2013

Saturday 4 May 2013

Suit Batiks!

Yay! For our next assignment, we'll be doing batik paintings! But not just any batik paintings, a whole set of them, consisting of 4 paintings for each group member!

We were encouraged to think up of themes that were out of the ordinary, as in not your usual traditional floral patterns.
With that in mind, we (Rosey, Zue and Li Wei) set out to brainstorm some ideas!

Brainstorming sketches:

Our chosen theme by Ms Lisa was Suits!
We're gonna make these 4 sets of batiks in a very graphic style, something resembling pop art, with little to no shading and an emphasis on bright colours.

After our theme was decided, we moved on to making some thumbnail sketches.

Digital sketches:

 Colour scheme exploration:

Final colour scheme!