Wednesday 30 January 2013

In-Class Activity: Self-Portrait

Hello there!

For our first in-class activity in 2 Dimensional design, we had to do another self-portrait! But unlike last semester, we weren't limited to following a certain art movement. We could use any media we wanted to as long as it represents us.

In the one and a half hours we were given to finish it, I took a break and bought a can of Milo. Suddenly, I had this zap of inspiration to use the Milo can to do my self portrait! After drinking and washing its contents, I used the can as a base, and redrew the logo so it says "Aina" instead of Milo. What a coincidence that my name and my favourite drink has the same amount of letters!

Milo means a lot to me. I've been drinking it every day since I was a little kid, so in a way it's become a part of who I am! The pictures of kids portrayed in the Milo cans are usually athletes, and that gives me inspiration to pursue my goals. I even drew over the person on the can to make it look like me.

I also thought it was funny that I chose a Milo "can", symbolising the "can" do attitude that I try to adopt! I just love lame puns, so I also thought that would be a good way to represent myself.

On the back, there are various images of some of the things I like (taken from a Starbucks brochure). I like drawing and the internet. I believe one's interests make up a big part of who you are.

So there you have it, our first class and our first project! I'm happy I managed to finish it in time, just goes to show that I "can" do it! Hehe!

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