Thursday 25 April 2013

Monogram Presentation!

After all the different monogram-related tasks, it's finally time to present our work!

first monogram display
Ms. Lisa said the arrangement looked a bit sparse so I changed it slightly.

good tips: you don't always have to arrange cups vertically, and you can overlap things!


the final layout, yay! it kinda looks like I'm selling my own merchandise haha
a group photo with some of my classmates :]

Friday 19 April 2013

Monograms: A2 Posters + Display!

Some progress photos of the A2 monogram poster.
the beer board I bought was slightly bigger than A2, so I had to cut it to size
drawing borders for my print; I wanted some negative space since my design is just one big monogram printed onto cardboard.
I printed this on an A3 card, and cut the black lines to make another big stencil/shape for my cardboard print.

Finished cutting the shapes!

I then pasted the shapes on a piece of corrugated cardboard. 
putting it in place roughly before I print it!
I was deciding on a colour scheme so I did this quickly in Illustrator. In the end I decided to use the pink and blue colours.
 An unfortunate thing happened to my cardboard print. Since I used acrylic paint for my print, when I pressed the papers together I left it for too long and the paint got stuck to each other. So when I took it out, some of the pieces of cardboard came out :/ But I managed to save it by carefully re-painting the pink parts, and it turned out kinda okay! It makes it look kinda grungy to me. Ms. Lisa says it gives it a nice texture, heheh.

I decided to display both the final A2 print and also the flipped cardboard print together. My overall colour scheme is blue, white, black, with an accent of pink.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Monograms: A2 Poster Research

For the next step in our monogram designs, we have to make an A2 sized poster out of our monograms using the techniques we experimented with in the previous week. We were given the freedom to choose any medium we liked, while utilising our understanding of compositions, and rule of thirds

The technique I decided to use was monoprinting, and to be specific cardboard printing! It's interesting to experiment with since the corrugated cardboard gives it a unique texture.

Examples of cardboard prints:

Also, I found some tutorials on cardboard printing here and here.