Saturday 30 March 2013

Monograms: preparing stencils & products

After we finalising our monograms, we have to print our designs onto different things.
I made a list of possible things I could monogram on before deciding (the final few items are bolded):

And then I proceeded to prepare a few items before we stencil our monograms in class!

before spraypaint
after first coat of spraypaint

after 2nd coat of spraypaint

3rd coat
used masking tape on my book to protect it from the paint

Different monogram sizes!
I have a total of 4 different sizes for my monograms. I printed out the design first, and used it as a base to cut over my plastic sheets.

the tiniest monogram

cutting this out was quite difficult :']

note to self: don't use paint markers for stencils because iT WILL BLEED ):

secured it with tape so that the plastic won't move

the paint marker bled really badly so it didn't turn out so good

the "negative shapes" of the stencil
yay stencils!

the mess I made on the floor trying to spraypaint my book

I still wasn't too happy about my stencils so that day in class, I decided to re-do them on tracing paper in different sizes. I thought it would be more convenient since I'll be stenciling on some curved surfaces and the tracing paper is more flexible.

the pencil boxes, before monogram
placing the stencil...

I used black fabric paint and a sponge! It turned out pretty well :D

And here are all my products so far!

Friday 29 March 2013

Finalised monogram design!

And here is my monogram in digital form, after making it in Illustrator :]

Thursday 28 March 2013

Monograms: finalising designs!

Here are some sketches I did for my monogram logo! (Using my initials, Aina Nur-Ruhizan).

Out of all my sketches (I tried to develop as many as I could and exhausted different variations), two got chosen by Ms. Lisa for me to further develop. They're the ones in the box with the tick.

We both like the pencil monogram because it's kinda like a visual puns, and you know I love a good pun. 8)

The second monogram got chosen because it looked very elegant and simple, according to Ms. Lisa. Here, I varied the angle of slope on the diagonal line of the letter "N".

After finalising our designs, we then had to make stencils out of them by cutting them on a plastic sheet. The sheets were actually quite cheap- we bought them at the campus stationery store and they were only about 20 cents each, if I recall correctly.

Ms. Lisa demonstrating how to cut our stencils!

Our main goal doing these monogram stencils is so we can paint them on different objects and surfaces.

 I did a prototype of the stencil but failed, only to realise I had to put a "bridge" to my stencil so that the "island" will stay!

 (thank you wikipedia)

Further developing it, I decided to change the position of the "R" so that the lines would be more paralell and look more like a pencil.

This is what we took home with us!
Deciding on what things to monogram is going to be interesting.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Presenting: Pixel Square Arcade!

Our arcade game consoles!

Overlooking the lake at our campus

Super Mario


Lifesized checkers
Space Hockey


A closer look at the consoles;

Tetris' 2 Player console!

Mario crossing over to Tetris land

A lost Mario mushroom!