Saturday 30 March 2013

Monograms: preparing stencils & products

After we finalising our monograms, we have to print our designs onto different things.
I made a list of possible things I could monogram on before deciding (the final few items are bolded):

And then I proceeded to prepare a few items before we stencil our monograms in class!

before spraypaint
after first coat of spraypaint

after 2nd coat of spraypaint

3rd coat
used masking tape on my book to protect it from the paint

Different monogram sizes!
I have a total of 4 different sizes for my monograms. I printed out the design first, and used it as a base to cut over my plastic sheets.

the tiniest monogram

cutting this out was quite difficult :']

note to self: don't use paint markers for stencils because iT WILL BLEED ):

secured it with tape so that the plastic won't move

the paint marker bled really badly so it didn't turn out so good

the "negative shapes" of the stencil
yay stencils!

the mess I made on the floor trying to spraypaint my book

I still wasn't too happy about my stencils so that day in class, I decided to re-do them on tracing paper in different sizes. I thought it would be more convenient since I'll be stenciling on some curved surfaces and the tracing paper is more flexible.

the pencil boxes, before monogram
placing the stencil...

I used black fabric paint and a sponge! It turned out pretty well :D

And here are all my products so far!

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